black and blue reflections

What makes Shimnix Sessions Special?

Time line – Every Shimnix Session has time, care and energy put into producing them.

Creator – Sessions are important to me because I get to film people who are as hungry for their passion as I am about mine. This for me is where the essence of each Session comes from. These films are a life force for me, to make a living from filming stuff that inspires me. I hope my passion and thirst for knowledge is evident in the process and creation of these little one off unique films.

Journey – From the first contact to the end film product, me and my team go on a journey with the artist/s, learning, listening and exploring.

Crafted – Each film is bespokely made for the individual; atmosphere, location and inspiration all come into the mix.

Roar – If you have a talent to share then you need to shout it out in the hubbub of the worlds ever changing market/system. Film is a great voice that people listen too.

Play- Sessions are fun and laughter is often a big part of making a session.

Network- Becoming a part of something bigger. Every Session becomes a part of a hub that constantly is growing and evolving.

North Devon has something to say so listen up folks.

For Shimnix Sessions visit –

If you would like a Session made please do get in contact via

Not a musician but love to make, create or tell stories and want a film to show off your work, talent, skill?

Hold on…

Shimnix are hard at work on a new project being launched very soon that will be just up your street.

download film The Lego Batman Movie 2017

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